Purification Program

Chillicothe, Ohio

This program safely and effectively guides a person through dietary and lifestyle changes that allow the body to purify itself, as well as eliminate its toxins.  This allows the body to accelerate its ability toward healing and achieving a higher degree of health and wellness.

Our 21-day purification program includes eating whole, organic, and unprocessed foods; taking whole food supplements; and drinking plenty of water. You will eat a variety of vegetables and fruit for the first 10 days, with select proteins added on day 11.

The purification solution you’ve been looking for …

If you’re on the fence about starting this program, I would ask you why wouldn’t you want to? Why wouldn’t you want to feed your body the best things for it to make it function at the best possible way? I guess from seeing the results of the changes we’ve made, I would think someone was crazy not to.

– John & Shannon 



This vegetarian supplement combines 20 unique whole food and botanical ingredients designed to support the body’s normal toxin- removal processes.

  • Maintains healthy kidney and liver function
  • Supports a healthy gastrointestinal environment and promotes regular elimination
  • Supports the lymphatic system, a major part of the immune system


(with whey protein) or
SP Complete® Dairy Free (with rice protein)

Both offer essential whole food nutrition in a versatile powder. Easily mixed in a shake, both:

  • ƒProvide phytochemicals with antioxidant activity to support healthy liver function and support the body’s normal toxin-elimination function
  • ƒProvide essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, and other vitamins to support intestinal, muscular, and immune system health


(capsules) or Whole Food Fiber (powder)

ƒGastro-Fiber is a mix of psyllium husk, collinsonia root, fenugreek powder, apple pectin, and fennel seed fiber.

ƒWhole Food Fiber is a mix of rice bran, carrot, sweet potato, apple pectin, oat, and beet.

Both help:

  • Support healthy elimination
  • Encourage a healthy intestinal environment to help maintain proper
  • intestinal flora: Your health care professional will determine which product is right for you


Contains organically grown whole food concentrates from Brussels sprouts, kale, alfalfa, buckwheat, and barley grass to:

  • ƒPromote healthy liver function
  • Support overall cellular health and provide antioxidant activity